Monday, March 31, 2008

Decisions for the future

This past month has brought a lot of exciting times, but also a lot questions. As I think about what God has been teaching me and using me to teach others I find myself amazed to see how much He can do even through something so simple as a flyer. This past month I have been able to meet more new international and swedish students at the university and begin to build friendships with. One new girl from China began coming to our international service who is interested in learning about faith in English. She saw our flyer up in one of the laundry room at the University and e-mailed me about it. A few weeks ago I had the opportunity to share with her the basics of who we believe God is and what Jesus has done for us. Pray for her as God continues to open her heart towards Him. Our international service see's new faces almost every Sunday night. A few guy who are international students from Africa joined us this past week and it was great to have them there! It really feels like a foundation is beginning to be laid for the future university ministry here. I can really see God working through our dilligence. A lot of stuff we have been doing has been trial and error so there's still much to learn. One of things i've learned since i've been here is to find out where God is already at work and join up with that, and if something new needs to be started then God will give us the direction in that as well.

Now comes the questions that I need much prayer for. I know there is much more work to be done here in Växjö and the question is am I the one who is supposed to do it. At the moment I don't feel like I have an answer for God one way or another. Today I talked to God and said to Him, "God i'm going to pursue staying here for a longer period of time, and if you don't want me to then stop it from happening." At them moment I feel good about staying. However one of the tough things is that every semester a new group of international students come and the ones I have become close to leave. It will be difficult and exciting at the same time with so many people coming in and out of my life. Pray for me in all of this. Pray that God will also raise up others who will eventually come here to Växjö and join me in this cause so that there will be a team of people here working together and mutually encouraging each other. I will be going home for a little while during the summer for a short break and to also do a fund raising campaign to raise more long-term finances. My Swedish and international friends here have been encouraging me to stay and have been encouraged by the ministries God has called me to here which makes me think God wants me here longer. Pray for me as I face all these decisions. Pray that my permit renewal will go smoothly, pray that I will be able to keep my apartment, and pray for more financial ministry partners to help fund the cause of Christ here in Sweden! Thanks and God bless!
I also just updated my pics recently last week, check them out here There are new pictures from our international service and Tuesday night small group, so check them out!