Monday, April 14, 2008

Prayers answered

In my last blog one of the issues I was dealing with and needed prayer for was the fact that I thought I was going to lose my apartment. God answered a big prayer however, and the guy that I rent from is now allowing me to stay here as long as I want to which means there is one hurdle down in my pursuit of staying in Sweden for another year. The next hurdle is my finances. I will be need more monthly financial commitments from people to be able to continue to stay here and move into the next phase of ministry here. Pray for these needs as well.
Today I will be leaving for Germany for a few days to meet up with some people from my missions organization who are on a 10 day missions trip there in Berlin working with a few of the international churches there. Pray for the team as they will be leading worship and encouraging the believers in these churches. I have really been looking forward to this time since I have not been able to get out of the city of Växjö here that I live in since 3 months ago so i'm going a little bit stir crazy. Thanks to the support of some friends that stayed here about a month ago I was able to have enough money to join them on this trip, God provides.
This past weekend we had an international conference at church that went really great. A man from the EFS church denomination here in Sweden came and spoke most of the day Saturday and Sunday morning. Most of the conference was in Swedish and we had headset translations in English, Frech, Romanian, and Spanish, so it was quite a mixed international group there. The speaker challenged us that since the creation of the world God has had a mission to redeem mankind back to Himself and that God wants us to cross physical, spiritual, emotional, and cultural boundaries to be a part of His mission in the world. It was very challenging and God worked in a lot of people's life at the conference. At the evening worship service time of the conference our worship band got the opportunity to do the music for that time. All the songs were in English and suprisingly people seemed to know a lot of them. It was great to see people pouring their hearts out before God in song and worship and to see people broken before God and having their hearts healed through His love.
We have also had another asian girl start coming to our international service who is from Taiwan. Pray for her as she says she is about 70% there to becoming a Christian. I am not sure what that means for her exactly but I am going to see if she would like to have coffee someday and talk about it and ask her what's holding her back. Pray for my friend Ben also. He is a Canadian exchange student who was here in Sweden with his wife. She had to go back home early so he moved in with me for a month until his classes are over and he goes back home. Pray for them as they experience this time apart.
Also some great news, Passion Conference is coming to Stockholm on May 18th. Right now we are in the process of getting some vans and trying to get about 15 people to go. With travel and all it's going to cost about $100 a piece for each of us so pray that the students will have the finances to be able to make it for this trip. Hope you all enjoy reading these blogs! Leave me some feedback!

God bless,



Unknown said...

It is good to here your updates. Each time I read I pray for you Adam. I know you are laying His foundation for ministry at the campus. It is an amazing gift to impact the lives of others for Christ so I pray you continue steadfastly and I also pray for your needs.


SarahKjrsten said...

The speaker you had sounds really amazing. One of the things that always surprised me was how willing everyone at church was to find a translator for me. They went out of their way to make sure that I could understand the service and it was such an amazing blessing. When I went to Sweden, I didn't really expect to get much out of church because of the language barrier, but God wanted me to learn more about him, and he blessed me with people to translate for me week after week.

I remember one Sunday Johan (married to Johanna) was translating for me while the kids sang a song about God being in front of and behind them etc (basically running through all of the prepositions) and I was quite proud of the fact that I had my prepositions down pat, so I translated the song back to Johan. Thus ended any song translations from him, lol.