Tuesday, November 27, 2007

First week in Sweden

Hello all, this is my first post since i've been here in Sweden. I have been here 1 week and 1 day now and it is going great! The first few days were rough as I did not have a phone or internet, so I did not have any way of communicating with people here about meetings and stuff like that, but it has gotten better. God has really answered prayers as almost all of the furniture and kitchen furnishings I have needed have been given to me for free. Thankfully I have had to only buy a few of those things. I am still in the process of getting my apartment completely set up and settled in because I am still cleaning furniture and arranging stuff. Spiritually this first week has been really good.
On Thursday I went to the church across the street here called Teleborgkyrkan (Teleborg is the area of the town of Växjö that I live in and kyrkan means church), and went to a short service and a meeting afterwards of an organization called Credo that is a student Christian group. They wanted to hear what my heart was for the University and I shared that we should start once a week prayer walking at the University, praying that God will bless the campus and start opening up the hearts of the students there because at the moment their hearts are very closed to God. The student priest was there and thought this was a great idea so we prayer walked today, Tuesday, and will hopefully do so every week. We were all a little nervous doing it but I believe God used us. We will try to do this every week, so pray that God gives us courage. We placed hands on each building and prayed over the people in them.
We also had the first meeting of Växjö International Christian Fellowship, the international service that I will be leading worship for. We had more of a small Bible study time as we had 8 people show up. Although it was a small group, it went great. There were 3 Swedes, 2 Americans, 1 African, 1 Mexican, and 1 Chinese girl who is wanting to make friends and know more about who God is, so pray for her, her English name is Nancy. Pray that God will open her heart more to Him as He is already starting to do so. She seems to be hungry for him. Continue to pray for the Swedish people as this is a time in the year when everything is dark and cold feeling and people feel much more lonely during this part of the year.
Today has been the coldest day yet, it is below freezing, windy, and there is snow on the ground, so not many people get outside. I also met with the pastor for this international service and many of us met and talked about why the Swedish people are so far from God right now. It is really the whole philosophy of their culture that leads them away from God. It is extremely individualistic and self-centered culture. To actually say there is such a thing as sin here is taboo and any mention of satan our enemy is taboo even in many churches. Pray for the Swedish people that the power of God will break through and open peoples heart towards Him for a harvest among the Swedish people and international students here. Also check out my new pictures. You can get them at the link on this blog page on the left. There are a few of my first week, of me in my apartment, of the international service, and of us praying at the University. God bless!


Mykel said...

Hi Adam,

Stay strong and trust in the Lord. He will most certainly put those individuals in your path that He wants you to minister to. Stay confident and know that the Lord is with you. You are in my prayers.

Your bother in Christ,


Vagabond Artist said...

Adam, I am praying for you.
Stay steadfast in your pursuit of God and for the burden He has put on your heart for the people there.

Please don't stop posting updates!

Anonymous said...

i am so glad everything is going well....i will continue to keep u in my prayers!Miss ya and love ya man!and remember to smiel!Its good medicine!

Anonymous said...

Hey little fella!

Miss ya man but, I'm glad things are going well for you in Sweden. Thanks for all you are doing over there!

Anonymous said...

I am glad your first week was great miss ya I'm still keeping you in my prayers if you get discouraged remember to just pray and remember God loves you and you have people praying for you see ya.

Anonymous said...

sorry for got to leave my name message above see ya tiffany.

SarahKjrsten said...

Hey Adam,

I'm Laila's friend Sarah, we met at Buffalo when you came to visit last spring (we sat at the same table and talked with Kristian). I'm enjoying reading your blog and I'm keeping you in my prayers. I know how hard it is to leave home and have to adjust to a new culture. I hope things are still going well!

btw, if you buy a train ticket to IKEA the day of, they're pretty cheap, and you can pick up random household things there. It's cheaper than shopping at Åhlens.

Oh, could you ask people how my cactuses are doing?

- Sarah